Tuesday in politics: Obama and Romney cramming for debate, and more

President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are scheduled to spend one more day of debate preparation Tuesday. Obama will be at a resort in Henderson, Nev., where he has been since Sunday, and Romney will do his homework in a Denver hotel.

Romney said on Monday that the Wednesday debate is not about winning or losing but rather about the candidates outlining where they would take the country. As for debate preparation, Obama declared it a "drag" on Monday.

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While Obama and Romney are prepping, their running mates will be campaigning. Vice President Joe Biden will be in North Carolina, and Paul Ryan will continue a bus tour across Iowa.

Also worth noting on Tuesday: Ann Romney will campaign in Colorado; Sen. Marco Rubio will campaign in Nevada for Romney; Rep. John Boehner will stump for Romney in Florida; Sen. McCain begins a bus tour across Florida for Romney; and Michelle Obama will campaign for the president in Oho.

And then there is this: A Pennsylvania judge is under a state Supreme Court order to rule no later than Tuesday on whether to keep intact the state's new law requiring voters to show photo identification in next month's presidential election. Democrats are opposed to the law; Republicans support it. An appeal is possible.

And this: Tuesday marks the 10th anniversary of then-Illinois State Sen. Barack Obama expressing his opposition to the Iraq War in a speech at an anti-Iraq war rally in Chicago. "I don't oppose all wars," he said. "What I am opposed to is a dumb war"

Sources: Yahoo! News reporters Holly Bailey and Olivier Knox, Associated Press