Target Employee Becomes Overnight Internet Star Via Social Media

A photo of a Target employee has gone viral, and the story behind it might have you scratching your head. On Sunday afternoon, a girl tweeted a photo of a Texas Target check-out employee named Alex. By Sunday night, the photo had been retweeted and marked as a "favorite" so many times that it reached more than 300,000 Twitter users. It is still unclear whether the girl actually took the photo or just shared it, but the damage was done and a new Internet star was born, bolstered with his very own hashtag, #AlexFromTarget.

People on the video-sharing app Vine posted their impressions of #AlexFromTarget; there are memes of him, and Tumblr pages have even been created.

It took fewer than 12 hours for #AlexFromTarget to take over the Web this weekend, and in the past 24 hours, the hashtag has been used more than 900,000 times!
Exactly who Alex from Target is was still a mystery until late Sunday night when he appeared — on Twitter naturally. He tweeted that he had to change his phone number and also that he was amused to see fake #AlexFromTarget social media accounts.
Even Target got in on the fun, tweeting, "We heart Alex, too." The #AlexFromTarget sensation is just more proof that you should never underestimate the power of social media.