7-Year-Old Fighting Leukemia Gets to Be a Superhero for the Day

7-Year-Old Fighting Leukemia Gets to Be a Superhero for the Day

A lot of children pretend to be superheroes for fun, but thanks to the Make-A-Wish foundation, one boy  got to be one for real for a day. Seven-year-old Alex Lelenoa, from Orange County, California, has leukemia. He loves watching "Batman" and playing Batman video games, and his wish was to be Batman's pal, Robin. The Anaheim Police Department teamed up with the Make-A-Wish foundation to make it happen. After getting sworn in by the police at the station, Alex got to ride around in the Batmobile to Knott's Berry Farm and then on to the Pirates Dinner Adventure, where he helped the Caped Crusader catch some bad guys. He then got to ride in a helicopter to Angel Stadium. Alex said of the incredible experience, "I feel really thankful for the foundation; I feel thankful for everything." His mom, Elizabeth Stoffer, was filled with joy — "I'm beyond emotional, my heart's gonna pop out of my chest I'm so excited."

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