Disabled tortoise on the move again thanks to Lego wheelchair

Disabled tortoise on the move again thanks to Lego wheelchair

Meet Blade, the little disabled tortoise who gets to keep on moving thanks to his custom-made Lego wheelchair.
Blade lost the use of his legs due to a metabolic bone disease that made him unable to bear the weight of his own shell.
When Blade’s owner, Iris Pleste, noticed that her little tortoise was moving even more slowly than usual, she took him to her local vet, Dr. Carsten Plischke, who came up with a genius solution to Blade’s mobility problem.
Inspired by his son’s Legos, Plischke created a one-of-a-kind Lego wheelchair for Blade.
“We mounted Lego wheels on the tortoise Blade because he had a bone metabolism illness and his shell was too heavy and he had a loss of muscles,” Plischke told CNET. “That’s why he couldn’t pick up himself and walk anymore. The bones were like rubber and the musculature had clearly diminished.”
The six-piece Lego wheelchair includes four wheels and is glued to the base of Blade’s shell. Plischke said that eventually the wheels can come off, but in the meantime, the Legos will help him carry the weight of his shell and strengthen his legs.