A Joke Falls Flat with the Dalai Lama, the Dangers of Social Media, and Puerto Rico Spiking in Search

News reporters flubbing on TV usually make for viral YouTube videos. If a video also involves a spiritual leader, it gets extra points! That's what happened when Australian "Today" show host

Karl Stefanovic tried to tell a joke to the Dalai Lama. The anchor told His Holiness, "So the Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop ... and says, 'Can you make me one with everything'?" The joke was met with a blank stare and crickets in the background. Hilarious. So far the video has gotten more than 300,000 views on YouTube.

The World War II saying, "loose lips sink ships," is taking on new meaning in the age of social media. In Britain, the Ministry of Defence has made YouTube videos to warn its personnel and their families about the dangers of over-sharing information on social media. One

video shows a British soldier's mother posting Facebook status updates with news of her son in Afghanistan. The video reveals that the friend she's talking to is a masked man carrying a machine gun (read: terrorist). The video ends with the message, "It may not just be friends and family reading your status updates." Another

video shows two deployed servicewomen receiving tweets about going clubbing after their shifts end. At the nightclub, where they dance with the same masked man with the machine gun, the servicewomen check in their location on foursquare. The video ends with the warning, "Is it just your mates who know where you've checked in"? Britain's Ministry of Defence also released "

Online Engagement Guidelines," to help its servicemembers "make full use of online presences while protecting their own, Service, and Departmental interests." Looks like with the recent U.S. Senate hack and Rep. Anthony Weiner's Twitter scandal, Britain does not want social media history to repeat itself.

On the heels of President Obama's visit to Puerto Rico, the first of any American president in 50 years, Yahoo! Searches for the country are up. Here's a

graphic representation of Puerto Rico searches from clues.yahoo.com. What are people searching? They want to know if Puerto Rico is a state. It's actually a U.S. territory. Searchers are also wondering if a passport is required to travel there. Since it's a territory, all Americans can travel to Puerto Rico without a passport. In terms of searches for "Puerto Rico Food," nothing beats "mofongo," one of the country's national dishes. It's a combination of fried mashed plantains, garlic, and fried pork and is muy delicioso! Here's a


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