Mitt Romney App’s Spelling Gaffe Inspires Web Parodies

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Mitt Romney has virtually sealed the GOP nomination and he is in full campaigning mode, but thanks to a misspelling in one of his campaign tools, the Web is in a frenzy.

The Romney camp, in an attempt to connect with younger voters, released the free mobile app With Mitt, which allows users to upload pictures and express their support for the candidate. Users of the app were supposed to be able to post a photo of themselves with an overlay reading "A Better America." Instead, it read, "A Better Amercia."

People on the Internet couldn't let a good opportunity for a joke pass. So they digitally altered the misspelled photo and created parodies highlighting the gaffe and inserting famously dumb or embarrassed characters. One jokester even created an image that read "Good Morning Amercia," using the anchors of the morning news program. The new creations were quickly shared around the Web.

The Romney campaign was quick to fix the mistake, but there is a valuable lesson here. Spell-check can be your best friend, but one little error that it does not catch, might become the Web's newest meme.


Thanks to the power of Twitter, a Baseball Hall-of-Famer's best friend has been found. George Brett, who retired from the Kansas City Royals, lost his labradoodle Charlie on Tuesday during a storm that rolled in near his home in Mission Hills, Kansas.

Brett -- a self-admitted Twitter novice, who just days before the incident tweeted, "still new to this tweeter stuff" -- turned to the social microblogging site to implore his 11,000+ followers to help him find his beloved pet using the hashtag #FindCharlie.

Brett posted photos of Charlie along with a reward for his safe return. Brett even reached out to sports heavy-hitters such as ESPN's Buster Olney and Sports Illustrated's Peter King.

After eight hours, Charlie was found. Brett updated his followers fittingly on Twitter: "We got him! Thank you for all the support! It is so touching to see how many people care! You all were a big help! Thank you."

Something tells me that now that Brett has been witness to Twitter's power, he can no longer claim novice status. He's at least moved up to the intermediate level.