New Program Allows You to Remove Photos of Babies from Your Facebook News Feed

As we get older, what we post on Facebook matures with us. Instead of posting pictures of parties, it's weddings, new houses, and of course babies, babies, babies. If babies are taking over your news feed, a new browser extension can help you out. Unbaby Me describes itself as an "extension that deletes the babies from your news feed permanently, but replacing them with awesome stuff."

The program scans your news feed for key words including "So adorable," "Cute baby," or "First steps." Once a key word is identified in a picture caption, the photo is replaced with one from a photo feed that's fully customizable. Unbaby Me comes pre-loaded to swap out little tikes with cat pictures, but you can change it to anything you'd prefer to see such as puppies, fashion, even bacon. We tested out the extension by posting a baby pic ourselves. Sure enough, when viewing it on a browser with Unbaby Me installed, a photo of a cat from Instagram was staring back at us in its place. The caption read: "Baby removed."

Social media reaction has been mixed. Some find it cruel, others are unabashedly excited. One person tweeted, "For people of a certain age and disposition, this is invaluable." So, if you're of that disposition, Unbaby Me might just be your new best Facebook friend.

Would you use the application? What else would you like to see removed from your news feed? Let us know on Facebook (of course) or by following us on Twitter @YahooTrending.