‘Ridiculously Photogenic Surgery Girl’ Creates New Meme Sensation

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Last year, Zeddie 'Watkins' Little became an Internet meme sensation when a photo of him running a 10K went viral. He quickly became known as 'the ridiculously photogenic guy.' Well, now he has a female counterpart, and she's being called 'the ridiculously photogenic surgery girl.'

A photograph of a 28-year-old woman named Rachel originally appeared on the Ask Me Anything section of Reddit. Rachel, who has congenital emphysema, posted from the ICU at the Cleveland Clinic, where 60% of her lung had been removed. She posted a photo of herself after the operation, and it spread like wildfire, becoming the newest Internet meme.

The meme started out with her image and the words "Lose 60% of her lung...wins 100% of my heart." So far, the meme has been shared thousands of times. One of the people who commented on her original posting was actually staying at the same hospital and paid Rachel a visit.

Rachel said she's overwhelmed by all of the attention. "People have been saying so many nice things about me the last few days," she posted. "I've never felt more beautiful."


If you have ever been worried that your ice cream stash may go missing because it is under threat from sweet-toothed family members and friends? Ben & Jerry's has a solution for you. It's the Euphori-Lock, a combination lock that keeps your favorite pint of ice cream from being eaten by unauthorized ice cream thieves.

Katie O'Brien, who works in the Ben & Jerry's merchandising department, said that the idea for the lock actually came from a customer's suggestion that the ice cream be kept in stainless steel containers with little padlocks.

The sweet-treat security system fits securely over a pint of ice cream, has a combination lock, and sports a clever, tongue-in-cheek warning inscribed on the side: "I'm terribly sorry, but there's no 'u' in 'my pint.'"

The Euphori-Lock can be yours for just $6.64, plus tax and shipping.