Study Says Twitter Can Gauge Moods and a Store’s Shocking Letter To A Customer

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Twitter is the new mood ring. (Remember those?) Cornell University researchers analyzed 500 million tweets from more than 2 million people in 84 countries. They looked at when people tweeted words like "awesome," "agree," "annoyed," and "afraid" to see when people were happiest. It turns out that no matter how grumpy you might feel waking up, people are very

positive during breakfast time, particularly between the hours of 6 and 9 a.m. Check out this graph of the study's findings from the New York Times. Moods then gradually deteriorate through the workday, before picking up steam at 4 p.m. The study found that tweeters swear the most when they're not happy and people are least happy on Mondays (surprised?). On weekends moods follow a similar pattern, but shift about two hours later (probably because of people sleeping in). Also, in case you were wondering, tweeters prefer bacon to sausage (well at least they're more vocal about their love for bacon). People also tweet about "drinking beer" 7 hours before tweeting about being "drunk." Lastly, Twitter fills up with tweets about Justin Bieber on the weekends, while Selena Gomez tweets spike on Thursdays.

Social media's up in arms today about an Australian clothing retailer's feud with an outraged customer. Keara O'Neil says a salesperson at the store GASP pressured her to buy a dress. When she didn't buy it, he told her that he "knew you girls were a joke the minute you walked in." O'Neil wrote a complaint letter to the company, but didn't receive the response she was looking for.

Here's an excerpt of what a GASP manager wrote back: "From the very outset, one thing that you should be mindful of is; Our product offerings are very, very carefully selected, so to ensure that we do not appeal to a broad customer base. This is something which is always at the forefront of our minds when undertaking buying duties. The reason for this is to ensure that we only carry products which appeal to a very fashion forward consumer. This by default means that the customer whom is acclimatised to buying from 'clothing for the masses type retailers, is almost frightened by our range, sometimes we have found that this type of customer, almost finds our dresses funny, and on occasion noted comments such as 'it looks like a dead flamingo'. When we receive comments like this, we like to give ourselves and our buyers, a big pat on the back, because we know we are doing our job right, and modus operandi is being upheld....So if you would like to do us any favours, please do not waste our retail staff's time, because as you have already seen, they will not tolerate it. I am sure there are plenty of shops that appease your taste, so I respectfully ask that you side step our store during future window shopping expeditions."

Here's a link to GASP's full letter, which has gone viral. The backlash has been so big that the store had to take down its Facebook page because of all the negative comments. What do you think of the letter? Tell us on Facebook and Twitter.