Wall Street Protesters Rake In Dough For NYC Pizzeria And Matt Damon’s Twitter Campaign To Save Millions of Lives

Occupy Wall Street is the group of young protesters who have staked out a park off Wall Street they renamed "Liberty Plaza." They're demanding an end to corporate influence in politics, but it seems they've achieved a goal that wasn't on their to-do list: boosting the business of a local Wall Street area pizzeria. The protesters, who have been sleeping on the famed street since Saturday, are surviving on pizza from Liberatos, an eatery three blocks north of Wall Street. Yesterday Liberatos served up more than 400 "occu-pies" (yes, it created a special protest-themed pie) and stayed open late to feed protesters. The sugar (or dare I say cheese) on top is the fact that the demonstrators are eating for free! People are tweeting the pizzeria's phone number, and supporters are calling in to pay for pies for the demonstrators. One person as far as Hawaii called Liberatos to donate a hero with sausage and onions to the cause. Occupy Wall Street's tag line on its website even reads, "The resistance continues at Liberty Plaza, with free pizza ;)" There's even a website where people can donate money to feed the resistance. So far online donations alone have raised $10,090.40. Is it just me or should that money go to feeding the homeless?

If protesters wash down all that pizza with water, actor Matt Damon wants them to tweet a picture of their H2O first. Water.org, an organization co-founded by Damon, has launched a Twitter campaign called Solve With Water. To raise awareness about the nearly 1 billion people who don't have access to clean drinking water, Damon and Water.org want people to tweet pictures of their next glass of water using the hashtag #solvewithwater. They also created a YouTube video that explains that this year 3.5 million people will die from water-related diseases. That's the same number of deaths per year if there were two 2004-size tsunamis a month or five Katrina-strength hurricanes a day. Spread the word on water by tweeting your next picture of a tall glass, and make sure to share it with us on Facebook and Twitter.