Woman’s advice on avoiding a shark attack takes the Internet by storm

Woman’s advice on avoiding a shark attack takes the Internet by storm

Shark attack headlines have you running away from the beach? Well, a Tennessee woman has some advice for you.

“Go to the beach — don’t go to the ocean. The ocean is the shark’s house.”
 Veronica “Pooh” Nash Poleate says in a Facebook video titled “Summer Safety Tips.”

Veronica was inspired to make this video on the way to church one day after hearing another story about a shark attack.

“I’m on my way to church this morning, but I wanted to make a quick video because my spirit was troubled this morning. I had the news on, and it was talking about somebody else done got ate up by a shark.”

The video has taken the Internet by storm, and the post already has more than 11 million views.

“The shark has the right to eat you up when you get in his house,” she warns. “When chickens come in my house, guess what? They get ate. When pigs come in my house, they on my plate. When you go into the shark’s house, you gonna be ate up.”

“Let’s use some common sense. If you going to the beach, you go to the beach. You watch the ocean from a nice distance! Please be safe. Safety first.”

Don’t worry, we’ll certainly take this advice to heart.