Clara Bergs, ten-year-old autistic girl with DiGeorge syndrome, memorizes difficult ballet routine

Clara Bergs is a very talented ten-year-old girl.

Diagnosed with both autism and the genetic disorder DiGeorge syndrome (which the Mayo Clinic says is "caused by a defect in chromosome 22 [and] results in the poor development of several body systems"), Clara's parents say they were told to "forget about her" at birth and that they "could just have another baby."

However, they chose not to give up on their daughter and recently noticed that she was able to dance Swanhilde's masquerade in "Coppélia" from memory. Soon enough, the proud parents posted the clip online for the world to see.

"We knew Clara loved the 'Coppélia' ballet," her parents write in the video's description on YouTube. "But little did we know she memorized the whole thing! She performed this solely from memory!"

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They also wrote, "This is just a small snippet of her dancing to it. We would see her doing some ballet moves around the house thinking it was ballet moves she learnt in ballet class, till one day someone decided to whip out a computer and compare her moves to that of the 'Coppélia' ballerina, and, VOILA, we realized she memorized it, and can dance it!"

According to her Facebook group, Clara spent the first 16 months of her life in the hospital, learned to walk at the age of four and talk at the age of six. She has been through multiple surgeries in relation to complications with her disorder and has "thrived" in the Toronto-based Intensive Multi Treatment Intervention program.

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Unfortunately, as her Tumblr page points out, Bergs' funding has recently stopped and in order to keep her therapy program going, Team Clara is hosting a yard sale in Toronto on Saturday, Sept. 29 that you can read more about here.

Clara's parents have also have set up a site where you can learn more about this courageous little girl and how to lend your support here.

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