Quick Fix: How To Take A Screen Shot on Your Phone

Capturing the image from your phone screen – whether it’s a map or a text message – is pretty easy on both Android and iPhone. Watch the video above to see how it’s done.

On the iPhone

Press the Home key at the same time as the Lock or Power button. You’ll see a flash effect and hear the shutter sound. Done. To access the captured image, open up your camera or photo app, and you’ll see the screenshot in your camera roll.

On Newer Androids

On newer models running Android 4.0 or later, hit the Power button and the Volume Down button for a few seconds. You’ll be able to find the captured image in your camera roll, just as if you had taken a regular picture.

On Older Androids

Taking screenshots on older Androids requires an app. Screenshot Ultimate is free, or you can pay about $5 for one with a few added bells and whistles like No Root Screenshot It.

[Related: Facebook Photo Sharing Tricks]