'Daily Show' women refute sexism claims

Does "The Daily Show" have a woman problem?

Jezebel’s Irin Carmon recently made the case that the “progressive darling” is actually “a boys' club where women's contributions are often ignored and dismissed.” Carmon, through sources on and off the record, argued that the show’s sexist workplace explains why so few women have lasted either as on-air correspondents or writers.

But more than two dozen women who work on the show disagree.

The 32 women wrote an open letter Tuesday to “people who don’t work here” that pushed back against claims of sexism.

“The Daily Show isn't a place where women quietly suffer on the sidelines as barely tolerated tokens. On the contrary: just like the men here, we're indispensable. We generate a significant portion of the show's creative content and the fact is, it wouldn't be the show that you love without us.”

'The Daily Show,” they said, “isn't a boy's club or a girl's club, it's a family — a highly functioning if sometimes dysfunctional family”

Carmon, after linking to the letter on Jezebel, wrote: "I just wish the show had agreed to answer questions or make anyone available to talk when I approached them for comment before the piece was published.”