Dobbs, Nation’s Macdonald to appear on MSNBC

Lou Dobbs, a persistent critic of illegal immigration, will have a chance to respond on television to allegations leveled Thursday that he employed illegal workers on his properties, including stables where his daughter trains horses.

Dobbs will appear Thursday night on MSNBC's "The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell," an MSNBC spokeswoman confirmed to The Upshot.

But Dobbs won't be the only person to discuss the article on O'Donnell's show. Isabel Macdonald, the Nation magazine writer who published her yearlong investigation of the former CNN host earlier Thursday, will appear with him.

There may be fireworks even before the MSNBC interview. A Nation spokesman confirms that Macdonald will appear on Dobbs' radio show at 2 p.m.

Dobbs has not responded to earlier requests for comment on the article. On Twitter, Dobbs wrote that he'd be "setting the record straight" on the radio show.

(This post was updated in the text. Originally, Dobbs and Macdonald were going to do separate interviews, but now they will appear at the same time).