FIRST SHOTS: Vicente Fox advocates legalizing pot, bed bugs at the UN

Welcome to "First Shots," a daily roundup of early-bird news and a preview of what's to come.

• Former Mexican President Vicente Fox endorses Calfornia's Prop. 19, which would legalize marijuana. (McClatchy)

• Death toll in Indonesian tsunami increases to more than 370 as tens of thousands remain homeless. (Wall Street Journal)

• An off-duty soldier who scuffled with an Alaska reporter at a Joe Miller event earlier this month didn't have permission from his superiors to be there. (CNN)

• Now the United Nations has a bed bug problem. (Reuters)

• Wells Fargo admitted it made mistakes in paperwork for thousands of foreclosures, but won't halt seizing homes. (Associated Press)

• The private prison industry helped draft and fund the fight for Arizona's controversial immigration law. (NPR)

• Student filming Notre Dame football practice dies when tower topples. (CBS News)

• New York gubernatorial candidate Jimmy McMillan is releasing an album Tuesday titled, you guessed it, "The Rent is Too Damn High." (New York Times)