GOP Gov. Jindal won’t endorse Vitter in Senate race

Politicians are expected to give the official nod to their party nominees, but Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is doing no such thing in his home-state Senate race.

The Republican governor said over the weekend that he will not be endorsing Republican Sen. David Vitter for reelection this year.

"Voters can make up their own minds," Jindal said, WDSU reports.

Jindal qualified his decision by stating he does not get involved in federal races, though media outlets quickly noted that Jindal has set foot in past federal contests.

Democrats say Jindal's decision to withhold support is indicative of Vitter's political toxicity. Opponents have continued to hammer Vitter over his involvement in the D.C. madam scandal.

"The message from the governor is clear: He doesn't want to be associated with Sen. Vitter in any way," Louisiana Democratic Party spokesperson Kevin Franck told RealClearPolitics. "His colleagues don't want to work with him because he's tainted in scandal and more interested in scoring political points than in getting things done."

Vitter faces Democratic Rep. Charlie Melancon and is maintaining a strong lead heading into November.

(Photo of Jindal, foreground, with Vitter directly behind him: AP/Alex Brandon)