In Nevada, Reid slams Angle for ‘crazy talk’

With polls showing the Nevada Senate contest virtually tied, the race between Harry Reid and Sharron Angle is getting nastier by the day.

In a new ad out today, Reid slams his GOP opponent for a campaign spot she began airing earlier this week on immigration, in which she calls the Senate majority leader "the best friend an illegal alien ever had." In response, Reid's new ad calls out Angle for her "crazy talk" — a notable uptick in what has already been heated rhetoric in the race.

"Outright lies," the Reid spot says of Angle's claims, listing a litany of immigration-related measures he's supported in the Senate, including funding for new border agents. The ad ends by reminding voters that it's Angle who has previously endorsed getting rid of Social Security and Medicare — positions that Reid has repeatedly described on the campaign trail as "extreme."

You can watch the Reid ad after the jump.

(Screenshot from Reid ad)