News of the World: Blair meets Biden; Clinton praises Al Jazeera

• The German Kosovar suspect charged with murdering two U.S. soldiers at
Frankfurt airport Wednesday has reportedly told German police he acted alone; prosecutors allege he was motivated by militant Islamism. (New York Times; Reuters)

• Intense negotiations are reportedly under way to gain the release of three members of a Dutch Royal Air Force crew being held by pro-Gadhafi forces. The crew members were captured during an attempt to
evacuate European citizens from Libya last week. (New York Times)

• Vice President Joe Biden had a breakfast meeting Wednesday with Tony Blair, the former British prime minister and Middle East Quartet envoy who has developed a close rapport with the Gadhafi family and has traveled
to Libya several times. (Politico)

• President Barack Obama meets Mexican President Felipe Calderon at the White House this afternoon amid growing cross-border tensions. Though the visit was abruptly announced last week, Mexican and U.S. officials billed it "as a routine encounter that had been in the works for weeks." (Washington Post)

• President Barack Obama holds his monthly Afghanistan-Pakistan meeting with top advisers today, as Pakistan announced it would proceed with a murder trial of CIA contractor Ray Davis who the U.S. has insisted has diplomatic immunity. (Times of India; Voice of America)

• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton decried proposed cuts to the requested $47 billion U.S. budget for diplomacy and development. "We are in an information war, and we're losing that war," Clinton told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday. (Washington Post)

• Clinton also praised Al Jazeera, saying "Al Jazeera has been the leader in that are literally changing people's minds and attitudes. And like it or hate it, it is really effective." (ABC News)