PARTING SHOTS: Biden tells Dems to stop whining

Here is our roster of stories that managed to avoid the full-on blog treatment:

• President Obama urged college students to get involved with the midterm elections, saying he wants everyone to participate and be informed. (CNN)

• Meanwhile, Vice President Joe Biden, evidently playing the bad cop, told Democrats to "stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives." (ABC News)

• A 22-year-old Army corporal accused of killing Afghan civilians and keeping body parts for trophies describes on video how his sergeant killed three unarmed and innocent Afghans. (ABC News)

• The Wisconsin district attorney who admitted to sending sexual text messages to a domestic abuse victim he was representing has agreed to resign. (USA Today)

• The Justice Department has found significant cheating by FBI agents on the agency's exam that covers surveillance policy. (AP/Yahoo! News)

• Google has been convicted in a French court of defamation for linking a man's name with words like "rapist" in its suggested search feature. (The Telegraph)

• North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il has promoted his youngest son to be a military general--a sign he may soon replace his father. (New York Times)