PARTING SHOTS: Chilean miner running NYC marathon, Chris Christie’s 2012 denial

Here's our roster of stories that managed to avoid the full-on blog treatment:

• New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie issued a Sherman-esque denial of his intention to run for president in 2012. "Short of suicide, I don't really know what I'd have to do to convince you people that I'm not running," he told reporters. (Politico)

• One of the rescued Chilean miners has arrived in New York to run the marathon, shaming couch potatoes everywhere. (AP)

• Though some economists criticized the Fed for buying billions in U.S. debt, stocks surged to a two-year record today. (WSJ)

• Europe's air-safety watchdog warned airlines in August -- months ahead of yesterday's Qantas Airlines scare -- that engines on Airbus planes have problems. (The Guardian)

• New high-risk health insurance pools aren't attracting enough people. (New York Times)

• A federal appeals court has halted the trial of the suspected kidnapper in the Elizabeth Smart case, as the court reviews the defense's argument that he can't get a fair trial in Utah. (AP)

• Scottish scientists say they are getting closer to making a real-life invisibility cloak. (ITN/ Yahoo!)