PARTING SHOTS: Millionaires make a comeback

Here is our roster of the day's stories that managed to evade full-on blog treatment:

• As the country's poverty rate jumped in 2009, the millionaire population saw a 12 percent increase. Now, 5.55 million households have "investable assets" of over $1 million. (WSJ)

• A man shot and wounded a doctor over a dispute about his mother's care before killing himself and his mother. (The Baltimore Sun)

• A Seattle Weekly cartoonist has gone into hiding after Islamic extremists put a fatwa on her over her suggestion that cartoonists draw caricatures of Muhammad. (Seattle Weekly)

• Rep. Barney Frank says Elizabeth Warren did not want to be appointed permanent head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Agency. (The Huffington Post)

• French President Nicolas Sarkozy says it's "outrageous" that a European Union official compared his deportation orders for gypsies to Nazi-occupied France. (BBC)

• The Senate passed a multibillion-dollar bill today to give tax cuts to small businesses. (NYT)

• A voicemail that appears to be from Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) shows the politician soliciting a lobbyist for money. (Big Government)