PARTING SHOTS: Spate of suicides at Fort Hood

Here is our roster of stories that managed to avoid the full-on blog treatment:

• After heated debate, the House passed a first-responders health bill to provide for Ground Zero workers who got sick. Seventeen Republicans voted for the measure. (CBS)

• Tens of thousands of workers protested in Europe today over new austerity measures to reduce debt, complaining of higher taxes and job cuts. (AP/Yahoo! News)

• Four U.S. soldiers reportedly took their own lives at Fort Hood in Texas just over the past week. (CNN)

• European officials say reports of a planned al-Qaida attack have been exaggerated. (The New York Times)

• Conservative activist James O'Keeefe allegedly tried to trick a CNN correspondent into going on a boat with him so he could secretly videotape her as he made sexual advances. (CNN)

• A Rutgers University freshman is believed to have committed suicide after his roommate allegedly secretly taped him in a "sexual encounter" with another man. (ABC News)

• Harper's Washington editor quits, says political news leaves him "numb," and that D.C. reporters peddle "lifeless" conventional wisdom. (Harper's)