From ‘Real World’ to Congress: MTV alums win 2010 primaries

Is 2010 the year of the MTV candidate?

Three candidates who have previously appeared on MTV reality shows have run for Congress this election cycle, with two of the candidates winning their primaries on Tuesday.

In Wisconsin, former "Real World: Boston" star Sean Duffy won the GOP nomination in the 7th Congressional District. Duffy, a former local prosecutor, is vying to replace retiring Democratic Rep. Dave Obey and has been branded by House Republicans in Washington as a rising star. (Duffy's wife, Rachel Campos, was a star of "Real World: San Francisco." They met while starring on the "Real World" spinoff "Road Rules: All Stars.")

In Delaware, tea party favorite Christine O'Donnell defeated Mike Castle for the GOP Senate nomination. While O'Donnell was a political unknown until about two weeks ago, she's no stranger to the cameras. In 1996, she appeared in an episode of MTV's docu-series "Sex in the '90s," pushing abstinence and arguing that masturbation is a sin.

You can watch the O'Donnell footage after the jump, courtesy of Talking Points Memo:

But not all MTV candidates emerged victorious on Tuesday. In New York, Democratic activist Kevin Powell, who appeared on the very first season of the "Real World," lost his second bid to unseat Democratic Rep. Edolphis Towns in the 10th Congressional District in Brooklyn.

(Photo of Duffy: Ryan Foley/AP)