Tea Party Express takes aim at Rep. Barney Frank

Barney Frank gestures at a campaign rally featuring Bill Clinton
Barney Frank gestures at a campaign rally featuring Bill Clinton

The Tea Party Express added Massachusetts Rep. Barney Frank to the group's target list in an email announcement Tuesday, CNN and other news outlets report.

"Big news everyone — the Tea Party Express has added Barney Frank as one of our top targets for defeat in the November 2nd Midterm Elections," the message read.

Officials with the California-based group, recognized as one of the largest national tea party organizations, told CNN they plan to run ads in the Frank's district and will also target the Democratic lawmaker at a Nov. 1 rally in Worcester, Mass.

Frank has served in Congress for nearly 30 years and remains well known in his Democratic-leaning district. But Frank's role as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee has made him a target for attacks this election season.

Frank and his backers say they remain very confident about his re-election chances -- but the longtime congressman is campaigning hard this year. He already received some campaign help from former President Bill Clinton, who stumped for Frank last month.

Frank's Republican challenger, defense contractor executive Sean Bielat, remains a virtual unknown in the race; he's also stated that he doesn't consider himself to be a tea party candidate. But with the Express lending Bielat a lot of eleventh-hour support, Frank will face a new battery of challenges.

The Express has been instrumental in campaigns around the country, and has already proved its ability to win in Democratic-leaning Massachusetts: In the first of this year's many tea party upset wins, the Express in January helped boost Republican Scott Brown to a win in the state's special Senate election to replace the late Ted Kennedy.

(Photo of Frank: AP/Stew Milne)