WikiLeaks’ ‘War Logs’ on Iraq storm major media outlets

The embargo was lifted on whistleblower WikiLeaks' release of nearly 400,000 secret documents on the Iraq war this afternoon, and immediately at least half a dozen major news outlets published the controversial reports. The leaked documents "contain details of more than 100,000 people killed in Iraq following the US-led invasion, including more than 15,000 deaths that were previously unrecorded," the Guardian reports. They also allege that American officials ignored Iraqi abuses.

Military officials said earlier today that the leaked documents could put troops at risk.

Here's a roundup of the reporting done by major news outlets that got an early look at the so-called Iraq War Logs:

• WikiLeaks releases 400,000 Iraq War Logs

The Guardian
The U.S. ignored Iraqi soldiers who abused detainees
An interactive map of every death in Iraq
Apache helicopter pilots killed two Iraqis who were trying to surrender

The New York Times
Iran aided Iraq's Shiite militias
Most Iraqi civilians were killed by other Iraqis
Detainees in Iraqi hands fared worse than those who ended up in American prisons

U.S. troops "ignored Iraq torture"

Le Monde
WikiLeaks reveals ordinary horror in Iraq

Der Spiegel
• Report here (in German)

The video below:

(Photo of paratroopers in Northern Iraq in 2003: AP)