Bolivia radio host attacked while broadcasting, suffers burns

LA PAZ, Bolivia - Bolivian authorities say they have arrested three men for an arson attack that badly burned a radio journalist while he was on the air.

Fernando Vidal was in intensive care in the eastern city of Santa Cruz Tuesday, under treatment for burns suffered Monday in a midday attack on his station in Yacuiba, a city of 120,000 that borders Argentina.

Son-in-law Esteban Farfan says Vidal was interviewing two women about alleged corruption among customs police when masked men entered the studio. He said one splashed around gasoline, the other set it alight and a third fired shots in the air. He said Vidal was burned trying intervene.

Vidal is a former Yacuiba mayor who uses his daily radio program to denounce corruption in a city along a cocaine smuggling route.