Bronx Peacock Caught; Meme Already Over

Bronx Peacock Caught; Meme Already Over

And, it's over. The latest escaped zoo animal meme that everyone had high hopes for has come to an abrupt halt. The peahen that had twice eluded Bronx Zoo authorities was captured while lounging in a garage of an unnamed local business. Surprisingly, the Zoo director who "corralled" the fleeing female peacock has no plans to change his free range zoo policy. "We will keep our tradition of free-roaming peafowl at the Bronx Zoo," read the statement. "We are confident that after this peahen's recent adventure, she won't want to wander from her home at the zoo."

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We aren't sure about that rationale, given the infamous zoo's history. As for that newly-minted Twitter account @BronxZooPeacock? It gave a parting shot: "Since they let me walk around the zoo, I can still get my #SWAGGER on".