Canadian teens accidentally invade America while playing Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go has been responsible for car crashes, people wandering into minefields, and all sorts of spontaneous stampedes. But this might mark the first time the game has been responsible for an international incident. Pro Pokemon Go tip in case you're playing this week: remember to take your passport if you're going to be crossing a border

According to the National Post, a pair of Canadian teenagers accidentally strayed across the border into Montana while playing Pokemon Go over the weekend. The incident was resolved without too much drama, but this is a surefire sign that President Trump needs to build that Northern Wall lickety-split.

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According to the Post, "Border Patrol Agent John South says the teens were engrossed and wandered into the United States.Agents detained them while contacting their mother, who was nearby on the Canadian side." With leniency and common sense not normally attributed to American border guards, the kids were promptly returned to their parent.

I know that the border between the US and Canada is a little more loosely patrolled than that between the US and Mexico, but the fact that a couple teenagers managed to stumble across without even looking where they were going is just a tiny bit worrying.

More importantly, this marks another odd Pokemon Go story to cross off the list. I think we've got Pokemon Go accident involving hot air balloon, Pokemon Go accident involving a tractor and Pokemon Go/sinkhole to go before I win the local office sweepstakes.

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