Cantor Optimistic About Romney's Chances in Virginia

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said on Sunday that he’s confident the Republican ticket will win in his battleground home state of Virginia on Tuesday.

“I see on the ground in Virginia there is a lot of enthusiasm for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan,” he said, speaking on NBC’s Meet the Press. “We’re going to win this state and I think we’re going to win a lot bigger than we predicted.”

Asked if New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie helped give Obama an advantage after the Republican praised the president for his efforts in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, Cantor responded, “If 7.9 percent unemployment and 12 million out of work and 8 million more underemployed – if that’s satisfactory to you, that’s acceptable.

“But for the folks I meet, that’s unacceptable…the fact is you need 125,000 new jobs created every month just to keep up with the population increase, and all we hear from the president is negative attacks and no solutions,” he said.

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