Case for the The Social Media Executive

Case for the The Social Media Executive image ID 100257394 199x300.jpg
Case for the The Social Media Executive image ID 100257394 199x300.jpg

This topic is one that is hotly debated over and over. Many articles I have read over the past few years suggest that all companies should share in the responsibility for sending out communications to people on behalf of their client. Some companies achieve this through shared access through a company profile on different social media platforms. Other companies insist that employees have their own profiles and use their best judgement or formal policies to insure they are meeting proper company protocol when communicating with others.

Social Media Management – Tougher Sustainable Approach

Marketing Group or Company Employees – Use social media company profile on sites like Twitter and Linkedin to write from a company standpoint

Marketing Group or Company Employees – Also use his/her personal profile on Twitter and Linkedin to connect people with a face of the company

This approach must have strong rules in place because so many people are communicating on behalf of the company. In addition, people naturally have their own voice and way of communicating on social media platforms. Many companies are working harder and harder to create a consistent message. This ultimately means more and more rules or possible exceptions. It is harder to manage.

I am also finding that these people who are on social media are not the same people who are involved with content marketing too.

Social Media Management -Sustainable Approach

Executive – Uses social media company profile on sites like Twitter and Linkedin to write from a company standpoint

Executive – Also uses his/her personal profile on Twitter and Linkedin to connect people with a face of the company

It is important to have a consistent message and executives who have taken responsibility for their company’s content on social media and content marketing are making huge progress. The truth is, someone needs to be the “responsible party” for social media. This is the best way to manage the process. I am speaking from my situation, because I have tried going down the path of trying to create rules and exceptions for people and it is a very time-consuming process. Where do you want to spend your time?

(Creating more rules and tweaking them over and over for exceptions or moving forward with newly gained experience each and every day)

So, as you can see, I really see the value in having a director, owner, ceo or executive show and lead the way on social media. Again, this type of person has to develop a passion and work at it on a consistent basis.

It is not a job for just anyone. Many executives are fearful of social media and the potential risks it could bring to a company. (For this reason, very few company executives get involved with social media)

The Culture is Changing

Speed is the name of the game. Companies are looking at ways to drastically improve communication with clients and potential clients. Integrating social media and content marketing together can only work with strong leadership and visionary people who can find ways to integrate both positions.

Having a strong influence online is part of this changing culture. The best approach to achieve this is to learn how to be the face of your company online. Transparency is a given, but it is much more. To have a strong influence means to have a solid knowledge of your products/services incorporated with a process that adds additional value for your clients.

People want to work with people who can answer their questions and solve their problems.

A Better Way to Network

Today, networking is even more important. Companies are trying to break through all the content on the internet and make a name for themselves and their companies. This type of networking works best when it is done from top people in your company who have a strong knowledge of their company’s people and processes. It is a great way for people outside you company to more about yourself and the work that is occurring at your company.

Benefits for the Company

Today, companies are being asked to be more transparent. As an executive, you decide what is important to share with others. This usually is a result of your interation with the top clients at other companies. As the face of the company, you are helping your other areas like your sales team, marketing team and client services team. You are bridging the gap by putting your name and content out there for others to read. You need the best follow-up people you can have on your team to take care of those trusted people. Your role is to come up with the game plan and act as a coach at a press conference. As I have stated before, this job isn’t for everyone, but if you do it right you will see big results.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Case for the The Social Media Executive

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