Catholic quandary: Tailgate with brats at Brewers Opening Day or abstain on Good Friday?

MILWAUKEE - Catholics partying before the Brewers' home opener might want to think twice before grilling the bratwurst and sausage that are near requirements at a Milwaukee tailgate.

Opening Day falls on Good Friday this year. Milwaukee Archbishop Jerome Listecki says traditions aside, Catholics still must abstain from eating meat.

Listecki says Good Friday is one of the holiest days of the year and a day when Catholics mustn't eat meat and poultry. He says fans will have plenty of other opportunities to tailgate.

Grilling is a tailgating staple at most baseball stadiums, but especially in Milwaukee. In fact, one of the most popular game attractions is the Racing Sausages — people who race in the middle of the sixth inning while dressed as bratwurst, chorizo, hot dog, Italian and Polish sausage.