Cheating, the N.F.L. Commissioner, and Pop-Punk

Now that The New York Times pay wall is live, you only get 10 free clicks a month. For those worried about hitting their limit, we're taking a look through the paper each morning to find the stories that can make your clicks count.

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Top Stories: Polls and interviews out of Florida and Ohio indicate the growing challenge Romney is facing, which is "is no longer to win over undecided voters, but also to woo back the voters who seem to be growing a little comfortable with the idea of a second term for Mr. Obama."

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World: American advisers working with Afghan forces are careful as they fear violence.

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U.S.: Tax increases have the Gullahs of Sapelo Island in Georgia "wondering if their community will finally succumb to cultural erosion."

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New York: Though "large-scale cheating" like what occurred during the Regents exams is rare, Stuyvesant students said, "lower-level cheating" happens regularly in their high-pressure environment.

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Business: Mice are being implanted with human diseases in order for researchers to figure out what drugs are best to use. One researcher calls the mice "Mini-Me," while most go with avatars, like on Twitter and in World of Warcraft.

Media & Advertising: Findings from studies conducted by NBCUniversal "revealed vast shifts in the way people watched the Games this year compared with the Olympics in Vancouver in 2010 and in Beijing in 2008, and they offered insight into how television will further evolve into a multiplatform experience."

Sports: The continuation of the the lockout of N.F.L. officials amid controversy "suggests that in a 21st century N.F.L., the commissioner’s power is more nuanced than in the past."

Opinion: Steve Inskeep on the Nishat cinema in Karachi, Pakistan and how "small numbers of Pakistanis are wrecking their country’s values and traditions."

Music: Jon Caramanica on No Doubt and Green Day .

Dining & Wine: Pete Wells takes a look at the hidden sushi gem Ichimura at Brushstroke.