Check-In for Good review

Check-in for Good is an innovative tool to help raise money for a wide variety of causes and programs run primarily through social media. You can choose to set up your own campaign, or you can just check in at local participating businesses to help support the cause they've chosen.


Easy setup: Initiating your own campaign only requires that you fill in a short form and choose a cause to support. The form includes spaces for your Campaign Title, Goal, and Category, as well as when it will end, a brief description, and a story that explains why you've chosen this particular cause. It only takes a few minutes to fill out, and once you post, it's easy to keep track of through other built-in app features.

Clear interface: Even if you don't consider yourself very tech-savvy, you'll have no trouble finding your way around this app. There are two tabs at the bottom of the screen that allow you to switch between the Check-in and Campaign areas, and the Settings Menu contains links to all other areas of the program in a clear list.


Business and charity options: There are a few challenges to using this app that likely are a result of its being new and not having enough users and supporters yet. These include a short list of charities from which to choose and only one business with a Check-in program already established within a 25-mile radius of the major metropolitan area in which we tested the app. The charities aren't easy to find, either, as you have to search for a cause first, and the only cause we entered that returned any results was "cancer."

Bottom Line

Check-in for Good is a great idea, and the app is well put together. Hopefully the issues with business and charity participation will lessen as the app gains more users and more visibility. It's free to download and use, and because setting up a campaign takes so little time, there's no reason not to give it a try.

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