Chelsea Clinton Will Be Reporting for NBC

Chelsea Clinton just got hired to report for NBC News, The New York Times reported, saying that she'll immediately "begin work on stories that NBC expects to use as part of its 'Making a Difference' series." The Times also cites a person close to Clinton who says that "she intended to donate all the money she earned from NBC to the Clinton Foundation and the George Washington University Hospital in the name of her grandmother," Dorothy Rodham, who recently died. The job is the latest media move for the former first daughter, who was also recently named to the board of directors of Barry Diller's IAC/InterActiveCorp. 

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As far as how often Clinton will be contributing, The Times notes that the job is a "full-time special correspondent," but Politico's Mike Allen pointed out that a special correspondent's position isn't really full-time. Allen later updated the news to say that "Clinton will continue her studies and work for Clinton Foundation while doing [NBC] pieces part-time." Scrolling through the subject material on the "Making a Difference" series page, the show's past episodes feature segments that mix high-profile figures along with humanitarianism, such as "Will Ferrell gets serious about fighting Cancer," "Ben Affleck: Urging Hope for Eastern Congo," "Newman's Own Celebrates Milestone" and more.