The CIA Gives Its Most Detailed Account of the Benghazi Attack Yet

The CIA Gives Its Most Detailed Account of the Benghazi Attack Yet

On the night that militants in Benghazi attacked the U.S. consulate and a U.S. ambassador was killed along with four others, the CIA did nothing wrong during the rescue mission, the Washington Post's David Ignatius reports.

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A top CIA security official gave Ignatius a hyper-specific, minute-by-minute breakdown of the CIA's response from the minute they first received a phone call alerting them of the attack to the minute consulate employees were flown back to the U.S. the following morning. The Libyan government officials comes across especially poorly for holding up CIA reinforcements at the airport for over three hours while the attack raged on. 

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The CIA official admits that relying on Libya's security officials and local militias for protection was a mistake, but that on the night of the attack they did everything they could to possibly help consulate employees. "While there were multiple errors that led to the final tragedy, there’s no evidence that the White House or CIA leadership deliberately delayed or impeded rescue efforts," Ignatius writes.

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The attack on the U.S. consulate has been the source of a lot of criticism towards the CIA, the State Department, and the President. It's been six weeks since the attack, but reporters are still finding unsecured sensitive documents at the attack site. 

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Read the CIA's horrifying account of the night in Benghazi here.