Clinton: A Thorn In Obama's Side?

One way of looking at an ex-president's role on the national stage is that he, free of the shackles of the White House, can say and do things that buttress his successor's policies. Another way of looking at it, in the case of Bill Clinton, is that what he says and does makes President Obama look weak by comparison.

The latest example comes as Clinton heads to Wisconsin to put his arm around the struggling Democratic candidate for governor, Tom Barrett. In contrast, the White House has been criticized for not going to the mat for Barrett and his liberal allies in the high-stakes election; in fact, Press Secretary Jay Carney the other day had to clarify that yes, in fact, the president does support the Milwaukee mayor.

Another likely irritation to the White House: Clinton threw cold water over one of the president's major line of attacks against Mitt Romney when he questioned the criticism of his record at Bain Capital.

If there was a thought bubble visible over the president's head, it might say, "Thanks Bill!" Read more

--Jill Lawrence


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