CNN's Ben Wedeman Gets Hit by Rubber Bullet During Jerusalem Clash

CNN's Ben Wedeman Gets Hit by Rubber Bullet During Jerusalem Clash

CNN correspondent Ben Wedeman described getting hit in the head by a rubber bullet while covering clashes between Palestinians and Israeli police in Jerusalem on Friday. 

It hurt. It was a bit like getting hit by a rock. A lot of blood came out. But there were medics nearby and they attended to it."

Apparently, this isn't Wedeman's first rubber bullet rodeo:

He added that he was between "a rock and a hard place," some gallows humor given the ambient stone-throwing. Wedeman was covering the heavy rioting that followed the funeral of Muhammed Abu Khdeir, a 16-year-old Palestinian who was killed earlier this week. Khdeir's death has been called a suspected revenge attack following the discovery of the bodies of three murdered Israeli teenagers who were kidnapped in the West Bank last month. 

Violence has been steady this week with rocket fire from Gaza striking towns in southern Israel, clashes between Israeli police and Palestinians, targeted Israeli airstrikes against terrorist targets in Gaza, and more calls for revenge by each side.

Wedeman sums up his ordeal and reports escalating tensions in Israel and the Palestinian territories below:

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This article was originally published at

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