Cold E-mailing a Potential Employer—Effectively!

Cold E mailing a Potential Employer—Effectively! image istock 000013846060xsmall.jpg
Cold E mailing a Potential Employer—Effectively! image istock 000013846060xsmall.jpg

Whether you’ve just submitted a job application, are thinking about submitting a job application, or simply want to inquire about open positions at a company, sending a “cold” e-mail can often be advantageous. You may not really know the person you’re e-mailing, but it never hurts to be proactive and to try to establish some level of connection. Of course, there is no guarantee that your e-mail will get a response, or have any effect at all—but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.

In fact, there are some steps that any jobseeker can take to enhance the effectiveness of a “cold” e-mail to a would-be employer. Here are a few tips that we team recommend:

  • Do some research. You probably know by now that, before going in for a job interview, you should do a little bit of research, trying to figure out what the company culture is like, what its values are, what it actually does. The same is true for sending a cold e-mail. Get to know the company, but also get to know the person you’re e-mailing—what he or she does, what his or her job title is, and so on. LinkedIn is a great tool for this research.

  • Be specific with your subject line. You should always operate under the assumption that you’re e-mailing a busy person who gets lots of e-mails each day. If your subject line is something like “hello,” you’re less likely to get a response. Instead, offer detail: “Intro e-mail from Bobby Smith, from last week’s conference,” or “UNC senior hopeful for internship.”

  • Don’t ramble. Shoot for no more than two or three short paragraphs. Respect the person’s time. Get right to the point, and lay out exactly what you’re trying to accomplish.

  • Show some enthusiasm. Remember that you’re making a first impression, and the last thing you want is for that impression to be lackluster, unengaged, or blasé.

  • Send work samples. This won’t be possible in every field, of course—but if you have some sort of a digital portfolio to share, it doesn’t hurt to pass it along.

  • Proofread your e-mail.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Cold E-mailing a Potential Employer—Effectively!

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