Comcast’s pitiful campaign to stop you from switching to Google Fiber

Google Fiber isn’t available in a lot of markets yet but that apparently hasn’t stopped Comcast from preemptively freaking out about it. Reddit user TheBen91, who lives in future Google Fiber city Atlanta, this week posted a flier he received from Comcast that told him to not “fall for the hype” about Google Fiber and to stick with Comcast instead. In short, the flier is so hilariously pitiful that I almost feel bad for Comcast just looking at it.


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I feel genuine empathy for the marketing person who was tasked with coming up with four reasons to stick with Comcast over Google Fiber. First, the fact that Comcast included its X1 voice remote as a reason to not switch to Google Fiber is truly hilarious. I also love that the claim about fastest in-home Wi-Fi is based on one study that took place well over a year ago and that didn’t include Google Fiber.

This flier is ridiculous on its face and that’s before we even stop to think about the information that Comcast left out of its comparison with Google Fiber. Ars Technica notes that Atlanta is one of the markets where most Comcast customers are subject to data caps. Google Fiber, in contrast, has no data caps whatsoever.

And then there’s the pricing. Google Fiber will offer Atlanta residents a 1Gbps connection with unlimited data for $70 a month. Comcast’s fastest service in Atlanta is a 2Gbps fiber service that also doesn’t have data caps… but that costs $300 per month.

At any rate, Comcast’s flier seems to be based on P.T. Barnum’s classic observation that there’s a “sucker born every minute.” Even if that happens to be true, there probably aren’t enough of these suckers in Atlanta to keep Comcast from losing a ton of customers once Google Fiber goes up.

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