Comprehensive study tells us which smartphones have the best battery life

It seems that everyone wants a smartphone with a great battery these days, but which ones really deliver? Hint: The iPhone 6s isn’t one of them. Consumer Reports recently published its comprehensive study of battery life in smartphones and it found that the longest lasting phones are all Android devices. Let’s check out the rankings below.

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As you can in the chart below, battery size is obviously a major factor in battery life but it’s not the only factor. The Galaxy Note 4 with its 3,220mAh battery was ranked higher than the Motorola Droid Turbo 2 and its 3,760mAh battery, for example:


Source: Consumer Reports

“To test battery life, our engineers precisely measure smartphone battery drain under a variety of conditions, including cellular signal transmissions and display and processor activity,” Consumer Reports explains of its methodology. “Some of these models are equipped for wireless charging. If they support both Qi and PMA standards, they’ll work with pretty much any wireless charger — even one you’ve had on hand for many years.”

And yes, more of the phones here are fairly bulky including the Galaxy S6 active and the original Droid Turbo. That said, if you really want a phone that has killer battery power, you don’t care all that much about having the lightest, thinnest smartphone on the market.

Learn more about Consumer Reports’ battery rankings at this link.

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