Cop Chokeslams a 14-Year-Old Kid

A school resource officer was caught on video chokeslamming a 14-year-old student who did not appear to be acting violently toward him.

A police department in Texas is reviewing the actions of one of its officers after he was captured on video chokeslamming a 14-year-old student at a local high school.

A statement from the Round Rock Police Department says the boy, Gyasi Hughes, was taken down "for his safety and the safety of others" after he'd had an altercation with another student, but Gyasi's father told local news station KXAN he plans to file a complaint over the excessive force.

Although you can't hear what's being said at 0:28 in the video above, Gyasi appears to be calmly talking with the officers before one grabs him by the throat and slams him to the floor.

Here's how Gyasi himself described what happened after his shoving match with another student over a pair of sports goggles:

"As I was walking away the officer was pushing me in the back and I was like, 'why are you pushing me? I'm not doing anything, I'm walking away like you told me to," said Gyasi. "Finally we get like in this little corner and he's sitting there yelling at me saying, 'You shouldn't be rude to the lady (assistant principal), don't talk to her like that,' I was like, 'what are you talking about, I'm not doing anything."

"Finally I asked him (the officer) to leave me alone and that's the point when he grabbed me and took me down and tried to detain me," said Gyasi. "I was just very upset, I was amped up over the fight and wasn't really thinking."

You can watch the entire segment, including the surprisingly chill reaction from Gyasi's father, below.

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