Copy review

Copy is a program designed to provide you with easy access to your files by storing them on the company's servers. It syncs the files between all of your devices using Copy, so that you can easily access or share the files, no matter which device you are on.


Shared storage: One of the best features is how the company calculates its storage requirements. The total size of a given file is divided between the storage limits of all the people who are sharing the file. This differentiates it from some competitors who count the total size of the file against each person's limit. For example, if you share a 9GB file among three people, it will only count as 3GB for each person.

Great interface: The app looks great and is very easy to use. From the minute you're logged in, it's apparent how to add your files to the program.

Large free storage: The free option offered with a Copy account still gives you plenty of room to store several very large files. The free account option offers you 15GB of free space. This is massive compared to Dropbox's complimentary 2GB.


Setup problems: On setup, the program would not connect to the Copy server from the app for the creation of an account. After multiple tries it still wouldn't connect despite verifying that the Internet connection was operational. Upon setting up an account on the Copy website, however, the log-in feature from the app worked flawlessly.

Bottom Line

Copy is an excellent cloud storage and syncing program. If you're not already using a cloud-syncing and sharing program, this would be an excellent option.

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