Cord-cutting catches on: 60 million Americans now rely on free over-the-air TV

Cord Cutting Study Analysis
Cord Cutting Study Analysis

Cash-strapped Americans looking to save some money on their monthly bills are increasingly ditching pay television and relying on free over-the-air television instead. GigaOM points us to a new study from GfK Media & Entertainment showing that 19.3% of all American households now rely on free over-the-air broadcasts as their primary source for television, which translates to around 22.4 million households encompassing 59.7 million viewers. As GigaOM reports, this marks a significant increase in cord cutting since 2010, when just 14% of American households relied on over-the-air broadcasts. The growth in over-the-air-only households is strongest among “younger households, lower-income families and minorities,” GigaOM notes.

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