Counteroffer: Mark Levin offers Michael Savage $100k to drop his radio show

On Monday, conservative firebrand Michael Savage offered former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich $1 million to resign from the 2012 presidential race. While it’s unlikely that Gingrich will accept the offer, Savage’s rival during that time slot, Mark Levin, has made a counteroffer.

On his Monday radio show Levin, who refers to Savage as “Weiner Nation” for the talk show host’s real name, Michael Weiner, put $100,000 on the line for Savage to resign from his radio show for good.

“I see ‘Weiner Nation’ is trying to get his ratings back,” Levin said. “That won’t happen. He wants to offer Newt a million dollars to get out of the race. I don’t know, is that a legal bribe? I have an idea … But if it’s legal, I’ll offer $100,000 if “Weiner Nation” gets off the air of every single station and resigns forever from radio tomorrow.”

Levin said he would give the radio talk show host 12 hours to make the decision, but added he thought it was a “generous” offer given the state of Savage’s radio program.

“Let me tell you, that’s extremely generous on my part because he’s already going nowhere,” Levin said. “That’s right — he’s losing affiliates left and right. That’s what happens when you take your audience for granted and take your affiliates for granted.”


“How do I know?” Levin continued. “Because I’m kicking his ass from sea to shining sea, being all red, white and blue and all.”

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