It's Crazy Time in the Marvel Universe - 5 Developments From AVENGERS & X-MEN #6

Axis has had a big affect on several heroes and villains. The Inversion Spell has made some heroes villains and some villains into heroes. What it seems like is the heroes affected have really turned evil. They're going all out to follow through with any plans or schemes they've now cooked up.

Just when you think things couldn't get worse, the former heroes are showing just how far they are willing to go. Take a look at some of the dastardly deeds committed in AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS #6. There will obviously be spoilers below.

The X-Men and Apocalypse have a Gene Bomb

We saw Genesis has been amped up and is now embracing the fact that he's cloned from Apocalypse. Things were bad enough when the X-Men made a public stand that they were no longer taking crap from humans with 'Apocalypse' by their side. Now they're taking it even further.

Apocalypse has made an announcement that Manhattan now belongs to them. It is now the new Mutant Nation. Those non-mutants that refuse to leave will be killed. The Gene Bomb is nearly complete and it will kill everyone within the blast that does not have an X-gene. Good thing Charles Xavier isn't alive to see this. Sabretooth was able to hear their plans and is trying to warn others.

Daredevil Wants to Shut Down Tony Stark

We've seen in AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS #4 that Tony started drinking again and launched the Extremis App. We also looked at how his behavior has changed. Now Daredevil, who has recently moved to San Francisco, is making a move against Tony.

Since Tony made the Extremis App available to those with smart phones, it has created a class divide. Now that we've seen the catch, you have to pay an exorbitant daily rate, crime has risen and Daredevil has been fighting people willing to do anything to have the Extremis App working for them. Tony doesn't take this declaration against him too kindly. There is a scuffle which is likely to continue in this week's SUPERIOR IRON MAN #2.

Doctor Doom is Ready to Bring Democracy to Latveria

Doctor Doom has always ruled Latveria with a figurative and literal iron fist. The Inversion Spell has caused him to open his eyes to the lie he's been living his whole life--he's been using Latveria and exploiting its resources for his purposes rather than what's best for his beloved homeland. He proclaims all this in a speech to his people.

Unfortunately as he is ready to show his true face to the people, he is attacked by Scarlet Witch. She blames him for using her and manipulating her powers. She feels the entire world has turned against her because of his actions. As she pushes her attack against him, she starts to target innocents to see if he'd be willing to risk his life for them. Things don't go too well for Doom.

Thor is Attacking Casinos and his Brother

Thor is a god. He's an Asgardian god. He is incredibly powerful, regardless if he's worthy of Mjolnir or not. Now that he's been affected, he's found his way to Las Vegas and has been drinking and gambling. But where would a shirtless god get money to start gambling?

There's also the question of whether or not he even knows the rules to the games he's betting on. Loki arrives to figure out what his brother's up to and comes to the conclusion they're letting him win. When Loki tries to point out he's had a bit too much to drink, Thor's fist goes flying. What Loki is compelled to say to Thor as to why he's trying to help him is pretty surprising as well.

There's a New Avengers Roster

It's possible you saw this coming. The Avengers that weren't affected have been shrunken down and imprisoned. If the remaining heroes are all whacked out and doing evil things, who's left to stop them? Spider-Man and Nova discover that a new group of Avengers has already been assembled to try to stop the evil heroes.

How can this end well? This does open up the question put forth in the preview for AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS #9, who will remain inverted? Will we see some of these villains-turned-hero remain good? This whole story is so bananas there's no telling how all of this is going to end.

AVENGERS & X-MEN: AXIS #7 is on sale December 3. (You can see an early preview HERE).

Can you handle all the inverted craziness going on?

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