What Is Dabbing? Story Behind Viral Cam Newton Dance

The answer to "what is dabbing?" depends entirely on who you ask.

Super Bowl-bound Carolina Panther Cam Newton would probably say something along the lines of "my signature celebratory dance move." Or, he would say nothing at all and instead lower his face into his elbow as if to cover a sneeze, like so:

According to Sports Illustrated, Atlanta-based rap group Migos came up with the dab dance during the summer of 2015; it was then popularized by Future and Metro Boomin' before catching on with athletes. It is now the go-to move of Newton, who famously dabbed in celebration of the Panthers' Oct. 18 defeat of the Seattle Seahawks.

Dabbin' is not to be confused with dabbing, a "flash vaporization" method of smoking concentrated cannabis oils. Again, to be clear:

Dabbin' — a dance move legal in all 50 states, as far as we know.

Dabbing — a weed-consumption move involving THC concentrates and a very hot surface, legal in those states in which cannabis is legal (or, more specifically, cannabis oil).

What Is Dabbing? Story Behind Viral Cam Newton Dance
Source: Tumblr

So glad we cleared that up.

What Is Dabbing? Story Behind Viral Cam Newton Dance
Jonas Brothers and friends dab on New Year's Eve.