The Daily Fix: U.S. Considers Ebola Travel Ban, Major Storm to Hit Bermuda, and Whisper App Monitors Anonymous Users

There’s a passenger on a cruise ship somewhere near Belize who was exposed to the Ebola virus, the State Department said Friday. The agency also said that the employee was “low risk” and staying in a cabin on board the ship.

As of Friday morning, the government of Belize has said it won’t help the passenger evacuate the country.

Nina Pham, the nurse who contracted Ebola in Dallas after caring for Thomas Duncan, made a video statement Thursday saying she’s “doing really well.” She was then transferred from Dallas to a hospital in Maryland.

A second nurse, Amber Vinson, who treated Duncan in Dallas has also been diagnosed with Ebola. BuzzFeed visited the apartment complex where Vinson lives and found that residents there were calm and “mostly unfazed.”

On Thursday, Republican legislators asked Obama to prevent travelers from West Africa from entering the United States. Obama said he was considering appointing an “Ebola czar” and that travel bans could be put in place if the number of cases increases, The Guardian reported.

In other news…

Jordan Davis' Killer Sentenced: Michael Dunn, the Florida man found guilty of shooting 17-year-old Jordan Davis because he thought his music was too loud, will be sentenced today. Davis’ parents have requested that prosecutors not ask for the death penalty. (via The Florida Times-Union)

Heads Up, Bermuda: Hurricane Gonzolo is on its way to Bermuda. It’s expected to be one of biggest storms to hit the island in years. (via CNN)

Hong Kong Police Crack Down: Police in Hong Kong raided a protest site on Friday and took down barricades. The pro-democracy protesters, some of whom have been there for 18 days, have said they plan to put them back up. (via Time)

Joan Rivers Autopsy Update: The New York City Medical Examiner’s Office said in a statement Thursday that comedian Joan Rivers died from complications during throat surgery on Sept. 4. (via The Hollywood Reporter)

Listening In: A social media application that promised users anonymity has been tracking their locations. People are making confessions over Whisper because they believe the app offers anonymity and confidentiality. But Whisper is sharing information taken from phones on military bases with the Department of Defense. (via The Guardian)

Boom Town: Chinese millionaires are buying up property in the California suburb of Arcadia. (via Bloomberg Businessweek)

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Original article from TakePart