'The Daily Show' Celebrates the 'Good News' of Rick Perry's Indictment

'The Daily Show' Celebrates the 'Good News' of Rick Perry's Indictment

It's been something of an informal catch-up week over at The Daily Show after their extended vacation. On Tuesday, Jon Stewart examined Fox News' coverage in Ferguson. Wednesday was for talking about ISIS and Michael Sam. So what topic would Stewart and his team choose to wrap up the week? Rick Perry, of course.

"Hallelujah!" Stewart exclaimed at the news that Perry would, despite his recent felony indictment, would likely be running again in 2016. "The Lord did tell him to run, and it was good."

Stewart also, of course, took his shots at Perry's mugshot, noting his "chiseled jaw, sun-kissed skin, those eyes that say, 'yeah, I might've f*cked up a little bit, it's all good.'"

But Stewart wasn't buying the theory that Perry's indictment will actually help him in the long run by refocusing his brand.

"Ah, the priceless reband!" Stewart said, "from forgetful doof to possible felon."

Watch the full segment below.

This article was originally published at http://www.thewire.com/entertainment/2014/08/the-daily-show-celebrates-the-good-news-of-rick-perrys-indictment/379363/

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