Dems seize on Boehner comments on immigration

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats and immigration advocates are calling out House Speaker John Boehner over comments mocking his own Republican lawmakers for their reluctance to take up immigration legislation.

Boehner said at a Rotary Club lunch at home in Ohio Thursday that Republicans don't want to have to deal with immigration because it's too hard. He imitated them whining in protest.

On a conference call Friday, Latino advocates said it's Boehner's job as leader of the House to bring the issue to a vote, not to blame others. Democrats made the same point.

Boehner's office downplayed the speaker's comments and said he often has said to colleagues that, quote, "you only tease the ones you love."

The back-and-forth comes with immigration legislation stalled in the House, and the White House contemplating executive action.